Briquettes, as fuel, are virtually smokeless and slow-burning. They are easy to store and to transport. They burn three times longer than charcoal. Their use poses a lower risk to the respiratory health of users. Briquettes heat up evenly and remain at a constant temperature for a long time. They are more efficient fuel than either wood or charcoal, so their use reduces the cutting of trees for firewood, hence helping to conserve the environment. |
Briquettes are made from 100% organic waste and residues. They are designed to be long burning (up to four hours), reducing cooking costs by 20% to 40%. It is estimated that 0.8 kg of briquettes is equivalent to one kilogram of traditional charcoal of average quality. |
A kilogram of charcoal briquettes costs between USh 1000 - 1,500, or approximately USD 0.28 - 0.41. It takes a minimum of two hours to make. |
They last three times more than charcoal when burning. It can last for more than 5 years if stored in a cool dry place. |
Not applicable. |
Energy saving stove and cooking utensils. |
Briquettes are not water resistant. |
The briquettes are sold at JEEP, supermarkets and through most of the environmental CBOs operating in Uganda. |
Training is required to make them.
Not relevant.
Not relevant.
Using briquettes as an alternative energy source reduces the fuelwood-cutting that contributes to deforestation. This allows trees to remain standing as carbon sinks, which helps to slow climate change.
This solution is used in rural and urban areas of Uganda by over 1000 users.
This solution has been successful because it is affordable; it lasts longer than charcoal; it is smokeless, efficient, and environment friendly. Support comes from development partners and from the government of Uganda.
Raw materials needed or used may include charcoal dust, dry food-peelings, ash, water, cassava flour, clay, and/or molasses.
Not relevant.
It can be picked up from the JEEP head office in Kyanja.
The materials used are cheap and readily available in our communities.
There is support coming from development partners and from the government.
JEEP- Joint Energy and Environment Project, 7 Miles, Gayaza Rd, Kyanja, Kampala, P. O. Box 4264, Uganda. +256 414 578 316. Email:
Joint Energy and Environment Projects